Tuesday, August 27, 2013

ipad Contracts for Students

The first days you have students on ipads are as crucial as the first days of school.  You need to set your clear expectations for students.  I created the contract below for my students.  Please feel free to take it and alter it to fit your needs

iPad Contract
Chiawana High School
Mrs. DeBuigne

You have the opportunity to use ipads to help you learn.  Keep in mind,

“With great power, comes great responsibility” –Spiderman.

Please read the expectations below, by signing this document you are agreeing to follow all of these rules.  You will not be assigned an ipad until this sheet is returned to Mrs. DeBuigne.  Failure to follow these rules may result in loss of ipad privileges for the day, week, semester, or even the year.  Using ipads is a privilege, not a right. 

1.      I will only use the ipad to work on assigned class work and I understand it is a valuable tool, not a toy.

2.      I will follow all Chiawana High School policies regarding Internet usage and computer usage as stated in the Student Handbook.

3.      I understand that the ipad is never to leave the classroom without Mrs. DeBuigne’s approval (this will happen on RARE occasions and during your class period only).

4.      I understand that damage or theft of ipads could result in fines, administrator action, and/or police involvement.

5.      I will not alter the configurations or settings on the ipad without approval from my teacher.

6.      I will not remove any serial numbers or identification placed on the ipads.

7.      I will not use the ipad when Mrs. DeBuigne or another student is speaking.

8.      I will be assigned use of one ipad I will be responsible for all material on my assigned ipad.

9.      I will put my ipad back on the cart in the proper place at the end of every class period.

10.  I will only use the camera for school purposes.  I understand that pictures take up memory that needs to be used for assignments. Memory space must be reserved for student work. (This includes videos that are created or downloaded).

11.  I will not visit any social media sites.

12.  I will not use the ipad to access information that violates school policy and is not school appropriate.  This means I will avoid anything with: swearing, gestures, gang activity, all photos will follow school dress code, etc.

13.  I will respect the assignments, pictures, videos and anything else that another student has created on the ipads; I know that up to five other students share this ipad with me and I will honor their work by leaving it alone.   

14.  If anything of mine is deleted or altered I will notify Mrs. DeBuigne and the matter will be investigated.  I understand that if I delete or alter someone else’s work I could lose the privilege of using the ipad.

15.  I understand that it is my responsibility to back up my work using Drop Box, Google Drive.

By signing this contract, I acknowledge that I have read and understand all classroom rules, expectations and consequences and will abide by them.

Student Name (Please Print): ______________________________________________________
Student Signature:______________________________________  Date: ________________

Responsible Adult: _______________________________ Date: _____________________
Relationship to student: ________________________________ Phone #: _________________

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